
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (Cecil Taylor no CCB)

"The porcelain inside this first plug is very dark. That is classically as well as romantically ugly because it means the cylinder is getting too much gas and not enough air. The carbon molecules in the gasoline aren't finding enough oxygen to combine with and they're just sitting here loading up the plug."

É curioso: ando pela "esfera" dos blogs há não sei quanto tempo, e ainda não vi referência nenhuma ao Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.

""Substance" and "substantive" really corresponded to "object" and "objectivity," which he'd rejected in order to arrive at a nondualistic concept of Quality. When everything is divided up into substance and method, just as when everything's divided up into subject and object, there's really no room for Quality at all. His thesis not be a part of a substantive field, because to accept a split into substantive and methodological was to deny the existence of Quality. If Quality was going to stay, the concept of substance and method would have to go. That would mean a quarrel with the committee, something he had no desire for at all. But he was angry that they should destroy the entire meaning of what he was saying with the very first question. Substantive field? What kind of Procrustean bed were they trying to shove him into? he wondered. "

E será que ninguém foi ouvir o Cecil Taylor ao CCB? Como diz um outro blog, sobre Kleist, (mas com muito mais piada) isto anda tudo ligado.

(Procrustean bed para não-especialistas).

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